Sharon and Laura will be here Sept 10th thru the 12th . This is a last-minute development, and you won’t want to miss it.
If you don’t know about Horse Speak, then here is their web site and her Books – Horse Speak and Horses In Translation
This is the actual language of the horse not a new training technique. This goes hand-in-hand with Equine Ethology.
Sept 10th Friday evening 5:30 to 7:30. Presentation and demonstration, $50.00 per person limited seating because of Covid.
We will be outside. Bring your own food, drink and chairs
Saturday 4 Private lessons. 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.
Email: if interested.

Lucinda B. is dedicated to sharing her years and experience to help horses and humans, she takes the science-based approach. It does not replace what you already know, but expands your knowledge, and gives you the tools for success. Lucinda B. introduced the Equine Mandala™, a four-sided approach to understanding horses, their behavior and World View. This science-based knowledge will give you tools to resolve challenges with any horse.