Here’s the August 2021 issue of Riders’ Roundup! To receive the full newsletter, you must be a member of the Oregon Equestrian Trails organization.
In this month’s issue:
- OET 51st Anniversary State Ride and Meeting, Pg. 1
- President’s Report, Pg. 2
- VP Public Lands Report, Pg. 4
- VP Field Services Report, Pg. 5
- OET Calendar, Pg. 6
- Wormers Toxic to Dogs, Pg. 7
- To Cross, or Not to Cross, Pg. 11
- July 17th Board Mtg. Summary, Pg. 12
- LNT #7, Be Considerate of Others, Pg. 14
- Mission Statement & Membership Form, Pg. 17
- Chapter Information, Pg. 18
- Chapter Reports, Pg. 19
- Poop on the Trails, Pg. 22
- Check your tack, Pg. 24
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose members are dedicated to building, promoting, preserving, and maintaining horse camps and trails in Oregon. For over 50 years, we’ve worked to ensure that horse trails and camps throughout our state remain accessible to riders now and in the future. OET members promote LNT ethics, outdoor ethics, campground etiquette, and trail etiquette.