In the summer of 2023 a collaborative group began to develop a plan to create a recreational trail that was originally conceptualized in the Management Plan for the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.
The area is a mix of USFS, state and private land, all of which is within the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area. The “Mosier To The Dalles Trail” would lie between Oregon Hwy 30 and State Rd/Sevenmile Hill Rd. On the east end at The Dalles city limits Wasco County acquired 187 acres for “recreational purposes”. That property borders the Fort Dalles Riders Club property. The project is being led by Friends of The Gorge and the USFS. Also included in the planning are area Tribes, Wasco County, the cities of Mosier and The Dalles, community representatives and other interested parties and individuals.
The first comment period results by users were (in order of number of responders) – 1) hikers, 2) bicyclists, 3) other, 4) equestrians. We do not know what makes up the “other” category. There are many questions yet unanswered – access points, parking (especially for trailers), and are e-bikes included to mention a few.
The date of the spring open house and second comment period have not been set, but it is important that equestrians be heard when they are. Project information and maps can be viewed at and to sign up for email updates. The form includes a space to identify an affiliation with an organization.
Back Country Horsemen of Oregon is a nonprofit organization focused exclusively on ensuring public lands throughout Oregon remain accessible to equestrians. Through our principals we advocate for private recreational pack and saddle stock use of all public lands and the stewardship of those lands. The Back Country Horsemen of America is the only national organization that promotes the use of private recreational pack and saddle stock use on our public lands.