OET Chapter Re-Building Santiam Horse Camp

On March 4th, the Silver Falls OET Chapter had a workday at Santiam Horse Camp. Santiam Horse Camp looked very different as I drove up to the location. It was a cold and damp day, but we had a great turnout of twelve volunteers. We started with lay ¾” minus gravel in the host camp corrals. Santiam personnel already placed the posts for the new corrals. So many trees were burnt down and as you can see from some of the pictures, there was a good fire that went through the entire camp. The Santiam foresters were busy replacing all the corrals. I was amazed that the bathrooms and picnic hut was unharmed by the fire. Our chapter got a good start on the fourth of March, filling the corrals with gravel. We worked on several corrals, finishing them off with ¼” minus gravel. As you can see by the pictures, the host corral was looking very nice when we finished. Thanks to all the volunteers that worked on these corrals. We had a power-driven wheel barrel, a member’s truck and tractor hauling gravel to the sites. Our Santiam Forester’s host, David even had a nice fire in one of the camp sites to keep us warm. We only scratched the work needed to be done at Santiam Horse Camp. Silver Falls OET Chapter is planning another work party on April 2nd to complete these corrals, and all are invited. The more hands, the lighter the work. (Thanks to Justine Knott for this article and photos).


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