A TrailMeister Tip on Hay Nets
I got an email asking how I feed my critters. I use hay nets.
I like to stretch my animal’s meals out as long as possible so they don’t have to go for long periods without snacks.
So instead of having my mules vacuum up their hay immediately after I feed, with these handy tools I can stretch each feeding out by several hours.
Unfortunately, Filling a hay net can be a hassle.
BUT – If you FIRST put the empty net in an empty barrel, garbage can or even a big tub you can create a wide opening that not only is easy to fill but also helps knock off some of the dust and debris that can cause coughing or respiratory issues.
For more practical information on trail riding, horse camping, and the largest guide to horse trails and camps give us a visit at www.TrailMeister.com
Here’s an Amazon link to hay nets – https://amzn.to/3fHRbr2

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