10 Most Poisonous Plants to Horses in the US

Our planet is blessed with the millions of species that we know and love, but let’s not forget that some do not mix successfully. While a 1,000-pound horse has to consume significantly higher quantities of a toxic plant than a smaller animal to be affected clinically, some plants are cause for concern and all poisonous plants are worth recognizing so they can be removed from your horse-keeping areas.

If you suspect your horse has ingested a poisonous plant:
• Remove the horse from the source.
• Contact your veterinarian immediately.
• Attempt to determine how much of the toxic plant was eaten and when it was eaten (small amounts of some toxins can be fatal in a short period of time while other require large amounts to be eaten over several weeks or months).

Please note that another commonly overlooked reason a horse may become poisoned is allowing horses to graze a pasture after it has been sprayed with herbicide, but before the weeds have died and disappeared. As always, contact your veterinarian for more information and guidance!


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