For more information on the stallions, go to the auction website:
Nominate your stallion now to maximize your promotion coverage from MHAO.
Nominations are open thru February. Bidding will begin March 1st and close on April 22, 2023 at 3pm Pacific Daylight Time. All bidding will be online. If anyone cannot bid online, they can call in their bid to Gay Adams at (503) 936-4276.
You will need to register on the Online Bid Site before you can bid. Be sure to provide both your phone number and your email address.
We are looking for “Other Items” to offer for bid, too. Let Gay know if you have anything you would like to donate.
Benefits of making a donation:
- Press releases on Northwest Morgan News, MHAO newsletter (Stable Sheet), MHAO website, MHAO Facebook Page & the MHAO Stallion Service Auction Facebook Page, in The Morgan Horse Magazine, on The Blast, etc. There is heavy emphasis on advertising the stallions included in our auction.
- The Stallion Auction will be promoted at the Oregon Morgan Classic (OMC) Horse Show with donated stallions highlighted at the show. OMC is one of the largest Morgan Horse Shows in the Northwest and the largest in Oregon.
- The name of all stallions with a bid will be put into a hat. A winner will be drawn to receive a free 2-page spread in the 2022 MHAO Breeders’ Cup Futurity Booklet.
- The MHAO Stallion Service Auction is the only Stallion Service Auction in the Western Region.
- Each stallion will receive a full page color ad in the MHAO Breeder’s Cup Futurity Booklet. This is a high quality magazine distributed not only up and down the West Coast but at Nationals.
- You will receive promotion of your stallion through other Equine and Morgan organizations in the Region.
- Minimum starting bid is $700, or an amount set by the stallion owner (higher or lower, but no lower than $500)
- Bidding is online and open from at least March 1 to April 22, 2023. Phone in bids are accepted from those without access to bid online.
- Bonus payments are made to breeders and stallion owners when a foal that is the result of a breeding sold through the MHAO Stallion Service Auction becomes a Futurity Sweepstakes Champion or Reserve Champion at the Oregon Morgan Classic Horse Show.
- Funds from the MHAO Stallion Service Auction are used to support the MHAO Breeders’ Cup Futurity which is the only remaining traditional Futurity in the Western Region.

To promote & preserve the Morgan Breed, serve MHAO members, & support the unity of the Morgan community.