MAHO Hosts Virtual Youth Horse Shows

The Morgan Horse Association of Oregon would like to invite you to participate in our Youth Virtual Show series. We are offering a three show series beginning with the first one in February 2021 and then one in March and April 2021. We encourage any youth ages 21 and under from Oregon, Washington, Idaho or California riding a Morgan horse to participate, you do not need to be a member of AMHA or MHAO.


The classes are divided by discipline and age division and are pattern only. Showmanship, Saddle Seat Equitation, Hunt Seat Equitation and Western Seat Equitation are broken down into the following age divisions:

  • 9 and Under;
  • 10 ~ 13
  • 14 ~ 17
  • 18 ~ 21


For copies of the patterns please email me at The patterns will include a page showing the measurements. If you receive a pattern that does not have cones you will need to demonstrate the best use of the arena.


This is a High Point series and there will be prizes awarded to 10th place in each age division. The cost is $20.00 per class per show for non-MHAO members and $15.00 per class per show for members.


The videos for the February show are due back by *February 28th; March patterns will be available by the 15th with videos due back by the 26th and April patterns will be available by the 19th with videos due back by the 30th.  Please be sure to provide clear videos that provide the best quality for the Judges to be able to make comments from. It is important that the horse and showman or rider is clearly visible with no back lighting issues.


SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS TO no later than the dates provided for each month along with your entry form and fees.


The Judge for the February show will be Todd Trushel from Northwest Pennsylvania; he holds a USEF license and has judged in the United States and England. The Judges for the March and April shows will be announced at a later date.

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