Legislative Update: Oregon Coast Trail bill moves forward

SB 679, to further fund the development of the Oregon Coast Trail, was passed out of the Oregon Senate Committee on Natural Resources to Ways and Means on Monday.

Although, unfortunately, the original allocation of funding in the bill was greatly reduced, we still hope to see lawmakers pass this legislation to forward the design and engineering work necessary to close gaps in the Oregon Coast Trail.

Here are three actions you can take to support the bill and let legislators know Oregonians care about funding for trails:

  1. Send a note to the bill’s sponsors and thank them for sponsoring the bill. (The link provides some draft language, but please customize the message to make it your own!)
  2. Ask the Joint Committee of Ways and Means to schedule a hearing for SB 679 related to the Oregon Coast Trail and share your support for the bill. Reach out to committee chairs or your legislator if they happen to be on the committee.
  3. Contact your legislators to share your support for SB 679 and for dedicating funding for trails for all Oregonians.

Read KLCC’s reporting on the bill.
You can find the other 2023 Oregon legislative session bills endorsed by the Oregon Trails Coalition posted on their blog along with short notes about the endorsements, links to testimony we’ve filed, and bill links to view the full text, subscribe to updates, view the bills’ sponsors, see when hearings or work sessions are scheduled, and follow the links to committee agendas for hearings to submit public testimony or sign up to testify.

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