Equine Influenza in Benton and Lane County, OR

Attending Veterinarian

Number Confirmed: 2;
Facility Type: Private Facility;
Age: 9; Gender: Gelding; Breed: Paso Fino; Onset of Clinical Signs: 11/05/2021;
Clinical Signs: lethargic with clear nasal discharge, fever; Confirmation Date: 11/09/2021 Horse Status: Affected and Alive Vaccination Status: Undervaccinated;

Age: 8; Gender: Gelding; Breed: Paso Fino; Onset of Clinical Signs: 11/07/2021;
Clinical Signs: lethargic, high fever Confirmation Date: 11/09/2021 Horse Status: Affected and Alive Vaccination Status: Undervaccinated;
Notes: Horse 1 arrived at Oregon Horse Center (OHC) Tuesday for event. Became lethargic with clear nasal discharge and fever of 105 on Friday. Horse was immediately removed from OHC and transported home to private stable. Horse 2 (with no travel history) at the private stable became similarly sick on Sunday.

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