In partnership with the EQUUS Film Festival, the Oregon Horse Council is excited to host a series of Winnie Film Fests this fall and winter. Launching in late September, we will be providing access to the Wild Horse Collection, a 2.5 hour film comprised of short movies about our beloved wild horses of America. As much as we would love to host these in person, COVID-19 is providing us an opportunity to allow for more people from all over watch these amazing films by hosting them virtually!
Join us September 25-27 for the Wild Horse Collection. Upon buying a ticket, you will be sent a link which allows you to access the 2.5 hour film fest anytime between 5 pm on Friday and 10 pm on Sunday. So plan a fun night, grab dinner and popcorn, and get together with your family to watch.
The Oregon Horse Council will host 4-5 additional films, once per month, through the winter. Additional films will be on Women in Horses, therapeutic riding, western riding, general horsemanship, and International horses. Watch our Facebook page and Events Calendar for the future viewing dates.
Films will be $15 for non-OHC members, $10 for members and registration is required in advance to get the link.

The Oregon Horse Council is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit that works to strengthen, connect, and represent Oregon’s equine industry.